[Tips for preventing heat stroke] Use oral rehydration solution to stay hydrated. Use air conditioner temperature settings and electric fans together.

Tips for preventing heat stroke

[Tips for preventing heat stroke] Use oral rehydration solution to stay hydrated. Use air conditioner temperature settings and electric fans together.

Heat stroke can be prevented by being careful and being creative in our daily lives. For example, clothing. Also, when it comes to hydration, it’s not enough to just drink “water.” In addition, we will introduce some tips on how to use air conditioners and other air conditioning devices. [Commentary] Naoto Osawa (Geriatrics and Cardiology, Kochi University Medical Hospital)

When should I start taking measures or additional tips for preventing heat stroke?

Heat stroke occurs in hot, humid, windless environments.
In recent years, weather abnormalities such as global warming and urban heat islands have occurred, and there are more days with higher temperatures than in the past.

Even between rainy seasons, there are days when the temperature rises and the humidity is high.
It is important to get your body used to the heat before the rainy season begins and to live a lifestyle that prevents heat stroke.

Is there any prevention I can do myself?

We can prevent heat stroke by being careful and making efforts in our daily lives.

For example, clothing.
For men, removing ties and wearing loose, breathable clothing is an effective way to prevent heat stroke.

For women, it is a good idea to choose clothing that is not too tight around the skin and made of breathable materials.

It is also a good idea to drink water frequently, eat regularly, and take up a habit of light exercise to improve the body’s ability to regulate body temperature.

What kind of hydration should I choose to prevent heat stroke?

One way to prevent heat stroke is to “hydrate properly.” Heat stroke is caused by sweating a lot and losing water and salt (sodium), so this “hydration” should not just be water. Choose oral rehydration solutions or sports drinks that contain salt.

Also, if you only drink water, the sodium concentration in your blood will decrease, which can lead to heat cramps. It is better not to only drink water, but also to eat foods that contain salt.

Coffee and green tea, which contain caffeine, have a diuretic effect and are not suitable for preventing heat stroke.

Alcohol also has a diuretic effect that is greater than the amount consumed, so it can cause dehydration.
It is a good idea to drink water when drinking alcohol.

Next, you need to be careful about how you drink.

In addition to frequently hydrating when playing sports, you should also consciously hydrate before and after bathing and before going to bed, when you sweat.
Even if you do nothing, you lose 1,000cc of fluid a day through sweating, and on particularly hot days, you may sweat without even realizing it, which can lead to mild dehydration.
Be aware to drink fluids before you feel thirsty, rather than waiting until you feel thirsty.

Do you have any tips on how to use air conditioning?

Many people think that air conditioners are bad for your health or that they don’t like them.

However, putting up with hot weather and going about your daily life in the heat could lead to heatstroke.

Aim for 28°C as a room temperature guideline, and it’s important not to set the temperature too low. Be particularly careful when the temperature drops below 24°C, as this causes the blood vessels on the surface of the skin to constrict, making it harder for heat to dissipate from the body.
If you feel hot or chilly, adjust the temperature frequently.

Also, consider the direction of the air conditioner’s airflow so that it doesn’t blow directly onto your body. We

also recommend using it in conjunction with an electric fan or air circulator.
Cold air tends to accumulate at the bottom, so circulating the air will prevent your feet from getting too cold.

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